Spleen Surgery In Dubai

Splenectomy Quick Facts!

Our abdominal and bariatric expert, Dr. Nikolas Valsamidis, offers precise Laparoscopic Splenectomy treatment in Dubai that helps individuals get rid of various hematological conditions and painful symptoms.

 Understanding Spleen Surgery and Splenectomy

The Spleen is a delicate, fist-sized organ located near the stomach under the left rib cage. The spleen is an important component of the body’s immune system. It consists of special white blood cells that destroy bacteria and assist the body in dodging infections when you are sick. It also aids in the removal of old red blood cells from the circulation of the body.

Splenectomy is the surgical removal of the spleen. Laparoscopic Splenectomy is most commonly performed with a tiny video camera and special surgical tools.

When only a part or portion of the spleen is removed, it is known as Partial Splenectomy.

Splenectomy Spleen Surgery)

Who is a candidate for Splenectomy?

If you sustain an injury that causes the organ’s covering to break open or rupture, your spleen may need to be removed. A ruptured spleen can result in potentially fatal internal bleeding. Car accidents and severe blows to the abdomen while engaging in contact sports such as football or hockey are common injury-related causes of a ruptured spleen.

A splenectomy may also be advised if you have splenic cancer or certain diseases that affect blood cells.

Splenectomy Procedure

Before beginning with the procedure, there are certain emergency steps in Splenectomy, such as diagnostic imaging, like ultrasound or CT scans, that help evaluate the extent of spleen injury. Prompt consultation with a qualified surgeon is also essential to determine the necessity of splenectomy.

A Splenectomy can be performed in two ways: Laparoscopically and Open Surgery

During Laparoscopic Splenectomy:

  • During this minimally invasive procedure, our surgeon makes three or four small incisions in the abdomen.
  • A laparoscope is inserted through one of the cuts by the surgeon. On the end of the scope is a tiny camera and light that allows the surgeon to see inside the belly. Other instruments are introduced through the remaining cuts.
  • To expand the stomach, a harmless gas is pumped into it. This makes working easier for the surgeon.
  • The spleen is removed by the surgeon using a scope and other instruments.
  • The scope and other instruments have been taken away. Stitches or staples are used to close the incisions.

During Open Splenectomy:

  • A cut (incision) is made in the mid portion of the belly or on the left hand side of the belly just below the ribs by the surgeon.
  • The spleen has been found and removed.
  • Lymph nodes in the abdomen are examined if you are also being treated for cancer. They are also subject to removal.
  • Stitches or staples are used to close the incision.

Post-Splenectomy Recovery

The procedure will take four to six weeks to recover from. Our surgeon may advise you not to bathe for a few days after surgery to allow the wounds to heal. Showers may be possible. In case you need to temporarily avoid any other activities, such as driving, our healthcare team will advise you.

Looking for Laparoscopic Splenectomy treatment in Dubai? Contact the specialist – Dr. Nikolas Valsamidis

If you are in search of a highly skilled and experienced surgeon for your laparoscopic splenectomy treatment, look no further than Dr. Nikolas Valsamidis. With his expertise in minimally invasive techniques, he can provide you with safe and effective surgery that will help improve your health and quality of life.

Contact Dr. Nikolas and trust in his skills and knowledge to guide you on your journey to recovery.