Groin Hernias Uncovered: Symptoms, Risks, and the Path to Lasting Relief

Groin Hernia

Groin hernias happen when a bulge occurs between the thigh and the lower part of the abdomen. Groin inguinal bulges occur due to weakness in the lower abdomen muscles. Male groin discomfort is common, but approximately 15% of women suffer from groin hernia signs. Surgery is the lasting relief for groin hernias in women and men.

Avoiding the symptoms of groin hernias can lead to potential complications. Dr Nikolas Valsamidis, a board-certified Bariatric surgeon and consultant surgeon performing the best laparoscopic surgeries in Dubai, recommends early intervention and timely medical advice to restore comfort among hernia patients.

Read more to know Groin Hernias Symptoms, Risks, and surgery for lasting relief,

What is Groin Hernias in females?

Groin hernias occur in women or females due to weakness of the groin area, where intra-abdominal structures such as bowel or fat protrude through and cause bulges under the skin. The bulges can lead to life-threatening complications, such as the incarceration of the bowels, which requires emergency surgery. 

What are Groin hernias in males?

Inguinal hernias are more common in men than women. A groin hernia appears when the intestines and peritoneum push through the abdominal muscles and become bulges under your skin. It’s the typical type of hernia that occurs in the inguinal canal.

What are the groin hernia types?

Direct inguinal hernia

Direct inguinal hernia is a common type of Groin hernia in adults. It occurs in men due to the weakening of the abdominal muscles over time.  

Indirect inguinal hernia

Indirect inguinal hernia is the most common hernia, affecting both men and women. In women, groin hernia occurs when the small intestine or reproductive organs slide into the groin area due to weakness of the abdominal muscles. 

Femoral hernia

Femoral hernia is rare and mainly occurs in females compared to men. The hernias appear as painful lumps over the inner upper part of the thighs or groin area. These lumps may disappear when you lie down and appear when you cough or strain.

What are the causes of groin hernias?

If the inguinal canal is not closed fully at birth, an infant is affected by Indirect inguinal hernia. It creates a hole where the abdominal muscles poke through.

Groin hernia in adults or direct inguinal hernia occurs due to the following reasons,

  • Pregnancy
  • Obesity or pressure in the abdomen
  • Weakened spot in the abdominal wall
  • Severe sneezing and coughing
  • Heavy exercises like weight-lifting and other strenuous activities.

What are the symptoms of Groin hernia?

The symptoms aren’t prevalent in all types of hernias. In men, large hernias may extend down the scrotum and develop an enlarged scrotum. Small hernias may slide in or out while doing any activities. In children, you can feel a lump in the groin area. You cannot feel the bulge in an indirect inguinal hernia because it’s tucked behind the muscle fibers. 

Some of the symptoms include, 

  • Bulge that disappears when you lie down and enlarges when you strain.
  • Pain at groin area when straining or exercising
  • Pressure or aching in your scrotum or groin
  • A burning sensation that radiates through the pelvis and leg.

What are the risk factors of groin inguinal hernia?

  • The pressure of existing hernia on weakened tissues has a snowball effect. The enlarged hernia moves into your scrotum, creating a painful swelling. 
  • Incarcerated hernia cannot be moved back or reduced. It grows bigger, causing other complications.
  • Small bowel obstruction is caused if the small intestine is herniated and trapped, causing a blockage. 
  • Strangulation is a medical emergency. The strangulated hernia is cut off from the blood supply and leads to inflammation. 

How to diagnose groin hernias?

Groin hernias in females have no particular symptoms, which delays their diagnosis. Women have more minor hernia defects, especially in the groin area. Pain and discomfort increase during activities such as sneezing, exercising, lifting, stringing, coughing, standing, or sitting for long hours.

A physical examination usually diagnoses groin hernias in men. Doctors look for swelling or bulging in the groin area and ask you to cough or stand to check the hernia.

Doctors also recommend MRI, CT scan, and abdominal ultrasound tests. 

Groin hernias treatment

Hernias don’t go away independently; over time, they enlarge, creating more complications. 

Temporary treatments include, 

  • Over-the-counter medications
  • Hernia belt for support
  • Hold your hernia while sneezing or coughing
  • Avoid lifting heavy objects
  • Avoid activities that put pressure on your abdomen

Lasting relief from groin hernias

Surgery is the only way to get lasting relief from inguinal hernia. The two common surgeries for groin hernias in adults, 

Open repair 

In open repair, an incision is made in the groin area, and the surgeon moves the hernia back inside the abdomen and closes it with stitches. This reduces the recurrence of hernia.

Robotic-assisted hernia repair or Laparoscopy 

In Laparoscopy, a thin scope with a tiny camera is inserted through a small incision. The surgeon works through the scope to treat hernia or use robotic arms. Since it’s minimally invasive, the procedure is painless and has a faster recovery time than open surgery. 

Best groin hernias treatment in Dubai – consult Dr Nikolas Valsamidis.

A hectic lifestyle affects people and leads to various health issues like hernia. Dr Nikolas is a renowned consultant surgeon with expertise in laparoscopic and bariatric surgery. Being a board-certified doctor, he offers cutting-edge treatments and medical care to all his patients.

For advanced treatment options and painless surgeries, consult Dr Nikolas Valsamidis

Book an appointment today!

Groin hernias common FAQ

An inguinal hernia will not cure itself. If it’s small and doesn’t bother you, surgery can be delayed with temporary treatments. But over time, it might increase in size and lead to serious complications.

Untreated hernia is dangerous and leads to life-threatening complications. The hernias enlarge over time and trap your intestine, causing strangulation. But with early diagnosis, it’s optimal to manage groin hernias.

There are temporary treatments such as medications, lifestyle changes, using a hernia belt, reducing abdominal pressure, etc. Surgery is the only option to fix the enlarged or painful hernia. Open repair or laparoscopic surgeries can reduce the recurrence of hernia.

Surgery is the best treatment for a hernia, depending on the type and medical history of the person. Open surgery, robotic surgery, and laparoscopic surgery are the most popular surgeries for hernia treatment.